22 Jun Antaeus Theatre Zip Code Play
This event is open to Brand Associates members only. Not a member? Become one! Memberships start as low as $25.00. Please go to our Membership Page to join.
Join Arlene Vidor, President Emerita, and Debra Thompson, President of the Brand Associates for an evening of listening…

90026: Echo Park – $10 and a Tambourine
by Mildred Inez Lewis
A radio play by Glendale’s own Antaeus Theater Company from the second installment of The Zip Code Plays, original plays set in different communities in Los Angeles. This play is set in 90026: Echo Park and features Aimee Semple McPherson, William Mulholland and the ghost of William J. Seymour.

Friday, July 9 from 7-8:30 p.m.

After we listen to the 25 minute play, we will be joined by the playwright, one of the actors and other special guests to discuss the play and the fascinating history on which it is based.
To join the free webinar, please REGISTER HERE
The Zip Code Plays Series is generously sponsored in part by:
The Michael J. Connell Foundation
With Generous Support For 90026: Echo Park Provided By:
Arlene Vidor